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Bitlogix Logo

Das Bitlogix-Logo, Produktbilder, Produktfotos und Partnerlogos sind geistiges Eigentum von Bitlogix LLC. Die Bilddateien auf dieser Seite sind nur für die redaktionelle Verwendung durch Presseagenturen, Journalisten und Studenten in Verbindung mit Rundfunkmedien und Zeitungen, Nachrichtenmagazinen, Fachpublikationen und Bildungsartikeln über Bitlogix LLC („Bitlogix“) und deren Produkte und Dienstleistungen verfügbar. Jede andere Verwendung von Logos, Produktbildern, Produktfotos und Partnerlogos ist untersagt. Das Bitlogix-Logo, Produktbilder, Produktfotos und Partnerlogos dürfen nicht für persönliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden. Ihre Nutzung der hier veröffentlichten Materialien unterliegt auch den Bitlogix-Nutzungsbedingungen, die unter https://www.bitlogix.de zu finden sind. Wenn Sie das Bitlogix-Logo, Produktbilder, Produktfotos und Partnerlogos verwenden möchten, um unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu vermarkten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

Journalists and students who would like to use Bitlogix logo, product images, product photos, and partner logos in connection with news stories and reports must observe the following guidelines and restrictions: 
  • Do not create your own version of Bitlogix logo, product images, product photos, and partner logos.
  • Bitlogix logo, product images, product photos, and partner logos must remain distinct and separate. Always allow a ‘safe space’ around the logo type that is equal to or greater than the height of the Bitlogix logo in use. 
  • Do not place the Bitlogix logo on active backgrounds that may reduce legibility. 
  • Do not use the Bitlogix logo in a manner that is likely to dilute, defame, disparage or harm the reputation of Bitlogix. 
  • The Bitlogix logo may not be used in such a way as to attribute to Bitlogix a product or service not actually originating from Bitlogix. 
  • Always include trademark attribution on the page where the logo is being used or in the legal attribution segment of the publication. 
  • Attribution statement: Bitlogix and the Bitlogix logo are trademarks of Bitlogix LLC (f/k/a Bitlogix Software LLC), registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. 
  • Do not change the size, color or proportion of the artwork provided. 
  • Do not use the logo within the structure of a sentence, within a title or in conjunction with another company’s logo. The Bitlogix logo, if used as a linking device on the Internet must always link to www.bitlogix.com. 
  • The Bitlogix logo may not be placed or applied in a manner which may cause confusion as to the source or origin of the communication. For instance, our logo may not be incorporated into the article identity, name or imagery. 
  • The Bitlogix logo must be used in context to the article where it is displayed. The reason for its use should be apparent. 
  • Always use the approved Bitlogix Blue Color Specifications: Pantone equivalent: PMS 301C; Process equivalent: Cyan 100%, Magenta 51%, Yellow 0%, Black 34%; RGB equivalent: Red 0, Green 75, Blue 135; HEX Code #004B87. 

Use of the Bitlogix logo in any other manner not described above requires written approval from Bitlogix. Please submit the nature of your request using the following link https://www.bitlogix.com/contact and a representative from Bitlogix will contact you if any additional information is needed.